Rescuing & rehabilitating everyone’s favorite rascals

Creating a nurturing place where injured and orphaned wildlife can be rehabilitated and released back into their natural habitat.


Rescue. Rehabilitate. Educate.

At Mission Mayhem Wildlife Rehabilitation we provide a loving environment to raise and rehabilitate orphaned and/or injured wildlife. Our mission doesn’t end there. We are dedicated to educating our community on how they can be the best neighbors to our local critters.

Meet Our Critters



Mission Mayhem’s primary focus for rehabilitation are raccoons. Raccoons require special licensing in NYS for both the facility, the rehabilitators and assistants. This means there are few places in NY that can care for these incredibly intelligent creatures. Raccoon mothers are one of the best animal mothers, trying to retrieve or get to their babies, so our first response is to reunite. If this fails or is not an option, those babies find their way to us by our most compassionate neighbors.

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Virginia Opossums

Mission Mayhem will winter over some species when needed depending on space. The virginia opossum is one of those. Rehabilitators in NYS usually rehab these unique creatures when they are found inside the pouch of a mother who has passed on. She can have up to 13 in her pouch and she will usually breed more than once per year. For that reason, some rehabilitators find themselves overwhelmed with opossum babies that are too little to be released until after the harsh northern winters. These growing young need space to exercise and grow so may go to other facilities to allow them that opportunity.



The founder of Mission Mayhem has a special love for foxes that began with an unreleasable red fox she worked with at the zoo, Tess. We honor this love by accepting fox kits that may find themselves in need of care until they can be returned to the wild. Mission Mayhem may accept a variety of species depending on space and availability of care.